Thursday, January 17, 2013

Dementia Ridden Gun Owners of America's Dir. Erich Pratt okay using Kids as targets in Campaign to Kill Sensible Regulation.

While a new public opinion poll shows the public blithely excepts the NRA's lunacy as the norm, will Americans wake from their complacency with the irrational rantings of Erich Pratt, who pretty much sees armed security and snipers on rooftops as the surest way to make society safe again.

Remember when concealed carry was the only way to make America safe, because would be criminals would be scared off from not knowing who had a gun? Guess that was a major failure.

"In his later years. I think we have to take that into account," said Erich Pratt, head of Gun Owners of America, referring to Ronald Reagan’s support for the 1994 assault-weapons ban on MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Reports. Ex-Presidents Reagan, Gerald Ford, and Jimmy Carter sent a letter in 1994 to all House members urging them to support the assault-weapons ban.
All is not lost on the public...
A new poll out from Public Policy Polling shows the N.R.A has seen a 10-point drop in popularity since Wayne LaPierre’s Dec. 21 press conference responding to the tragic Newtown, Ct., school shooting.

The organization now has a negative favorability rating, with 45% of voters viewing it negatively and only 42% viewing it positively. That’s down from a 48% positive and 41% negative image before the press conference.

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