Sunday, July 8, 2012

Sen. Wanggaard was asked to leave office by voters! What's wrong with the will of the people now?

Ever wonder how Republican polling places handled identification, electioneering, intimidation, possible computer election fraud etc.? Me too, but it never occurs to liberals to watchdog Republican polling places. Perhaps the next time, you with me?

I’m so tired of hearing them whine about election integrity when they don’t even care to check computerized voting machines with paper ballots. But that's another story.

So imagine my surprise when Sen. Van Wanggaard had the balls to make a public statement trashing the electoral process and Racine citizens over “alleged” and “perceived” irregularities by partisan tea party losers bused in from out-of-state. If anything should leave a bad taste in Racine's voters mouths, it’s a bad loser kicking and screaming his way out of office. The following response alone says, “go away.”
Wanggaard thinks you're ignorant.
Journal Times: State Sen. Van Wanggaard editorial: Almost three weeks ago, I asked for a recount in my senate election under the philosophy of “trust but verify.” Unfortunately, following the recount, we only have a verified vote tally … my campaign received reports of suspect activities at polling places … Electioneering and valid (were they?) legal challenges to voters were ignored by election officials, many of whom signed recall petitions. Election observers witnessed polling places being open after the polls closed … There was a suspiciously high number of same-day registrations and numerous reports of same day voter registration requirements being disregarded.
Wow, suspiciously high registration? We wouldn’t want that to happen. Besides his outrage over hearsay, Wanggaard somehow knew how “perfect” every other city’s poll books were. Proof please?:
For hundreds of clerks across Wisconsin, including every other community in Racine County, the poll books were in perfect order. Racine was accepting hand-written receipts, advertisements, and mail addressed to “resident” or “occupant” as residence proof in violation of law.
Proof please, in Racine and around the state, Mr. Wanggaard.

But Wanggaard is an authoritarian, so his next move is to cast doubt on the citizens of Racine, if they’ll let him. Hey Racine, Wanggaard thinks you’re ignorant and a cheat. He does resent…represent you right:
To further protect our election integrity, a municipality must send out address verification postcards to new registrants within 10 days of the election. If those postcards are returned, the voter is struck from the polls. Wisconsin’s election day laws are designed to protect the reliability of our electoral process and to prevent and deter fraud. They are simple and easy to read. Yet in the City of Racine, many were disregarded. Whether this was because of ignorance, negligence or misconduct we may never know. 
The final slap in your face? Imagine if what happened in Racine happened in…say, Waukesha? Is this asshole out to lunch?:
Imagine the uproar if these mistakes were found in Milwaukee, Waukesha, Madison, La Crosse, or Appleton in November.
I've had it with these snakes.

1 comment:

  1. The point of a recall is for the voters to quickly replace a representative they are unhappy with. That's why the replaced rep must vacate the office two weeks after losing reelection. How long is Van Wanggard going to drag this out?
