Sunday, July 8, 2012

Former Extremist Republican Rep. John Gard puts "fiercely conservative" individual on State Judicial Commission. The Law is Republican?

The following is a perfect example of how acceptable, and conditioned we’ve become, to the radical nature of the Republican Party and what we'll let them get away with.

Former Republican extremist, Rep. John Gard, wrote something that if put into words by a Democrat, would result in decades of liberal trashing. Just imagine:
jsonline: Gard told an aide to Walker that he had found people for the state Judicial Commission who were "fiercely conservative" and "will never wimp out." "These are not people who require any hand holding - they are fiercely conservative and will never wimp out. There will be no surprises." Of (one of the people he found), Gard wrote: "I laid out what we were looking for and (he) said he would do it if needed."
This is corruption, plain and simple. "Fiercely conservative"…on the state Judicial Commission of all places. Nothing is out of bounds, nothing is too ethically challenged. And for conservative voters, their authority is beyond question, so what’s the big deal? I can hear them now, “it’s legal isn’t it?” 

It looks like Gard still has Justice Prosser's back. Gard helped turn the commission investigating Supreme Court Justice David Prosser around.
Gardwas an aide to Prosser in the 1980s, when Prosser was Republican leader in the state Assembly. In 1987, Gard was elected to the Assembly and served with Prosser for nearly a decade, including when Prosser was speaker. 


  1. It's OK if a Republican does it, you know!!!!!

  2. Is it curruption? is it unethical? Is this now the norm?
