Sunday, August 14, 2011

State Supreme Court Royalty. Untouchable, Lawless and Infallible.

The elite have it made in this country. Look at what is happening in the assault case of Justice David Prosser. Many of the other Justice's witnessed the alleged choking attempt by Prosser to Justice Ann Walsh Bradley.

But according to Sheriff’s spokeswoman Elise Schaffer:
“The case ‘is tenuous for everyone involved and no information will be released until the case has gone through the criminal justice system.”

Tenuous? Both sides are to blame for the physical altercation? Which must mean some of the impartial and imperial Justices who witnessed the incident saw a completely different event unfold before them. How could our top arbiters of the law tell a lie? Did they fabricated a story that wasn’t true to protect Prosser, or weren't they paying close enough attention? 

But is Bradley lying? Oh sure, let’s blame the victim. We all know how common and easy it is for a woman to attack a helpless man, don’t we. Especially a latte sippin' liberal weakling. 

Nothing will come of the event. And unlike the firestorm that would have likely been created around a liberal Justice, conservatives surprisingly won’t be outraged over a serial physical and verbal abuser. 

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