The following guest list of knuckleheads is enough to physically create a societal black hole big enough to suck centuries of human progress into black nothingness.
SheboyganPress: Ron Johnson will be among the featured speakers at the Sheboygan Liberty Coalition's third annual Tea Party with Americans for Prosperity, to be held on Saturday, Sept. 3 at Fountain Park at North Eighth Street and Erie Avenue in Sheboygan.
In a shockingly open way, the tea party and whack-a-doodle guests are quite comfortable with its money bags sugar daddy “Americans for Prosperity.” “Americans” for Prosperity is a complete misnomer; it’s a corporate, not American, kind prosperity boldly obvious in their stated agenda. As explains:
Americans for Prosperity (AFP) is a group fronting special interests started by oil billionaire David Koch and Richard Fink (a member of the board of directors ofKoch Industries). AFP has been accused of funding astroturf operations but also has been fueling the "Tea Party" efforts.
Back to the event guest list:
Besides Johnson, scheduled speakers include Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch; WISN radio talk show host Vicki McKenna; Matt Seaholm, the state director of Americans for Prosperity-Wisconsin.

Like Sourcewatch explained about that very event pictured:
Then, on April 16th, 2011, "Sarah Palin, former Governor of Alaska who quit her job in 2009, headlined a rally in Madison, Wisconsin, bought and paid for by the front-group Americans for Prosperity (AFP), but billed as a "grassroots" Tea Party event. The Koch-funded AFP set up the stage and programmed 13 buses into Madison, but only six were labeled "full" on their website on Saturday. AFP also likely paid the airfare and fees of the national speakers."[19] "[C]ounter-protesters outnumbered Tea Party supporters. Wisconsin Wave held an early rally on the opposite side of the capitol, giving progressives a platform for the day but ending in time for attendees to march in opposition to Palin's speech.... Hundreds of protesters brought hand puppets to the event, illustrating the theme 'Walker and Palin are corporate puppets' of the Koch Brothers and other corporate interests."
That is one heck of a big pie hole on Miss Vicky. Now I know where she stores up all that hate and anger she spews into the ether each day. Still, it is surprising that her foot also fits....
ReplyDeleteThank you for the info John, I had not heard about it previously and didn't have plans for Labor Day.
ReplyDeleteAs a Tea Party supporter, I will be traveling from Chicago to attend the event to support the event organizers, a most awesome Sen. Ron Johnson, the Lt. Governor and, even though he's not going to attend, perhaps the best governor in the entire country--Scott Walker.
Thanks again for the news. You've just grown the event by four people.