Saturday, August 13, 2011

Another Town Hall: People are Catching on the Wealthfare Party. But a few....

I won't write much, except to say the video is uplifting and a sign people are onto the Republican rhetoric. But in the article below (not caught on video sadly), the stunning cluelessness and jealousy of a few, will always keep us from advancing.
FARGO – Divided economic philosophies enflamed a tense town hall meeting (of 200) Thursday night with North Dakota Republican Rep. Rick Berg.

inforum: Resident Darrel Lund said Congress ought to have just raised the debt ceiling as they were tasked to do, instead of adding to the problem through political deadlock. “That’s what’s caused uncertainty – that Congress can’t even do one thing,” Lund said to applause. “They had to make a political statement.”

Several residents grilled Berg for signing the pledge and for his refusal to consider tax increases, specifically for the wealthiest Americans, like him.

“You work for North Dakota residents, not some guy from another state,” West Fargo resident Don Frost said.

But here’s where the newest, mean spirited talking point reared its ugly head. Margi Schmidt inadvertently admitted “I’m the face of the evil rich,” an absolutely true statement if you go by her “lower class envy” comment here:
Some, like Valley City resident Margi Schmidt, asked why the poorest Americans aren’t made to pay taxes, too, which would raise federal revenues without increasing taxes on others. Schmidt shared how she worked her way through college – without federal aid – to become successful and wealthy in her career.

“I’m the face of the evil rich. I’m the face of the person who’s going to be hit with those increased taxes,” she said. “What happens to the 51 percent of Americans who don’t pay taxes? Why do I have to support them with all the hours I work?”

The next comment is basically the bottom line on wealth; if you’re not rich, you’re not trying. I can't tell you how many times I've heard this. Too many conservatives, the concept of living a comfortable life, without wealth, is laziness. This concept has always bubbled in the background, but for me, was never articulated better than J.D. Hoffner’s statement below:
“Those of you complaining about the rich, you had the same opportunities they had to become rich. You’re choosing not to,” West Fargo resident J.D. Hoffner said.

“We still live in the land of opportunity,” Hoffner added. “You’re choosing not to take advantage of those opportunities. It’s very simple.”


  1. Pertinent headline: "Freeloading Poor don't pay Taxes? But NewsMax ad Claims 46.9% of those earning $250,000 or more Paid Zero Taxes!

  2. Thank you for this story. I read this article in the paper on Friday and could not believe it, and yet I could. Make the poorest pay taxes? If you're not rich, you're not trying? Seriously? Can that propaganda work in this state? Are Rick Berg voters that wrapped up in propaganda? Some may be starting to see the light, but if Berg continues and wins the Senate, the game is over and there is no point for a Democratic party in North Dakota any longer.
