Thursday, May 19, 2011

Voter Suppression bill passes.

Welcome to Fitzwalkerstan:
Cap Times: The controversial voter ID bill passed the state Senate Thursday morning over the shouts of Democrats on the floor.

Sen. Frank Lasee, R-DePere, defended the proposal on the Senate floor, saying that people need photo IDs for a slew of other things, such as buying liquor or cigarettes.

"This is a shameful day," Sen. Bob Jauch, D-Poplar, said. "It is the day that democracy died." As the bill passed, Democrats shouted that they had tried to adjourn and accused the GOP of violating Senate rules. Chaos erupted as protesters started again chanting "Shame!"

Those in the Senate gallery sang "We Shall Overcome" after a speech about voting rights.
Here's how Sen. Bob Jauch put it yesterday. A really great, short speech:


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