Friday, January 25, 2013

Dumb Ron Johnson and Rand Paul make America look like "powerless nation, besieged on all sides by constant threats and occupiers."

Chris Hayes made an observation last night that I've been making here for some time. Wisconsinites recently got a flavor of the rampant right wing paranoia from Dumb Ron Johnson, who went on an endless rant about the Benghazi attack. That wasn't a sign of strength, but a display of weakness by what appears to be a cowering conservative party of victims. What other small but deadly attack will they freak out about next? What a way to encourage our enemies.
Hayes: "You would think we were some small powerless nation, besieged on all sides by constant threats and occupiers, instead of the most powerful nation in the world, with the largest armed forces. Instead what you see in every question was, I'm nervous about this, I'm anxious about this, what are we going to do about this. I think it was a striking moment."

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