Saturday, July 14, 2012

Republican Phantom Voter Fraud in Racine Denounced by GAB!

While most won't be surprised by the final determination of the Racine DA's office, and GAB's conclusions, Republican lost another battle against voting rights. They did managed to get the mileage they hoped for, from their allegations of criminal intent by Racine voters, essentially vilifying the whole city. From the Mt. Pleasant Patch:
No criminal charges will be filed in connection with alleged voting irregularities in the June 5 recall election, the Racine County District Attorney's Office said Friday. District Attorney Rich Chiapete said his office received four separate complaints and while a complete investigation into the allegations was conducted, the information "did not rise to the level required for a criminal prosecution."

Coinciding with the DA's decision is a letter issued Friday from the GAB to Assembly Republicans addressing officials' concerns about the voting irregularities.

The GAB asked officials to wait for a determination from the Racine County D and Racine County Sheriff investigation. Kennedy's letter was sent to media shortly before the Racine County District Attorney's office announced its findings.
No Same Day Registration Verification Postcards...oops. How did Republicans get it so wrong?: 
According to Kennedy's citing of Wisconsin Statute 6.56(3), the 10-day timeframe is non-existent for same-day registrations. That 10-day rule only applies to registrations received via the mail or by Special Registration Deputy. Election officials have 30 days to enter same-day registrations into the Statewide Voter Registration System (SVRS) for most electons and 45 days for general elections. Because there was a recount in the 21st District, delays were expected.
The GAB is troubled by the over-the-top allegations of fraud by Republican thugs:
In the agency's conclusion, Kennedy pushed back a bit, too, saying that just the allegation of fraud without any substantial proof can make voters lose confidence in elections and the officials who administer them.

"I know we agree that elections should be open and transparent and subject to scrutiny and analysis. I hope that, as an elected official, you would also agree that there is little benefit in promoting unsupported allegations questioning the credibility of the election process and the work of local clerks and election inspectors," Kennedy wrote.
Check out the written complaint from the Racine Sheriffs department...HERE!

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