Sunday, July 1, 2012

GAB Investigating Recall Groups from Out-of-State for Fraud.

What can you say about Republicans that hasn't already been said a thousand times; they can't be trusted. While the governor insisted all his troubles stemmed from "out-of-stater's," his own party brought out-of-stater's in to phony up a few Democratic recall drives. 

Now those same outsiders are being investigated for recall petition fraud. 
WTAQ: The Government Accountability Board is investigating recall petition signature fraud involving last year’s recall Senator Dave Hansen committee.

Chad Fradette came forward with the information to WTAQ. He was originally involved in the Recall Dave Hansen group organized by David VanderLeest, who would later run against Hansen in the recall election.

“David VanderLeest was hording all the signatures, wouldn’t let anyone look at them or to verify them if they were real or not or keep count of what we had and it got really strange, so we broke off.” Fradette says questions also arose about VanderLeest’s involvement.

Chad Fradette said in a phone conversation the GAB is investigating signature collectors that came from out of state, fraudulent signatures, forgeries, and try to ascertain who paid for them. Fradette said he opposed employing the out of state groups, especially after one was arrested for stealing a backpack from Lambeau Field while collecting signatures.

VanderLeest lost to Hansen and is now currently running for state assembly district 90.
But VanderLeest did get people to vote for him, even though bloggers revealed:
In a report, dated 10/26/06, VanderLeest was alleged to have told his wife he would kill her if she testified against him in a previous domestic abuse case that was still pending. And this is the man who thinks he’s eminently more qualified and capable of serving the public.

Politiscoop: The former wife of David VanderLeest. spoke of VanderLeest’s inability to handle his own finances, his inability to pay his taxes or to provide adequately for her son by buying him basics like shoes or even by providing a stove in his apartment so he is able to cook his son dinner.

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