Saturday, July 7, 2012

Are we the greatest country in the world? We can be.

This is one of the great scenes out of HBO's new series, Newsroom. I saw it first on Hardball, when fill-in Michael Smirconish said he didn't agree. Well, I disagree with Michael. It's a great series and it's filled with similar lines throughout. For some it'll mean a bit of thoughtful reflection, and for others, an energizer.


  1. It was indeed a great scene. Spot on! I get the feeling that this show has a liberal spin to it.

  2. Sorry to say, the only thing the U.S. is number one in any more is nuclear weapons per capita and obesity.

    Now that political corruption has been formally legalized by the Supremes we might be number one in that category as well.

  3. True patriotism requires that we demand that our country be the best it can be. And that includes calling it out when we fall short, and that we work to do better.

    I loved the scene. 2nd episode of the Newsroom was bleh, but the next one looks to deal with media failing to call out lying, ridiculous Baggers for lying and being ridiculous, so that has some opportunities.

  4. Who rebuilt Germany,France, and Belgian after the second world war?
    If NOT for the greatest nation in world this guy could and should be living under a dictorship!
