If any of that were true, businesses would run and hide every two years when we have elections. He’s also insinuating businesses only want to be in a permanent Republican state. That's certainty.
Now hear this; Republicans have dramatically overplayed the “job creator” BS? I was watching Hardball, and Republican strategist John Feehery claimed a flat tax was a job creator. Good god, really!
Here’s Tommy….
WSAU-Former Governor Tommy Thompson says the rash of recall elections creates a political instability that’s harmful to Wisconsin. The Republican U-S Senate hopeful tells the Wisconsin Radio Network that recalls are not only tearing state residents apart – they’re also creating uncertainty which holds back economic development. Thompson says new investors could be scared away by the uncertainty over which lawmakers will be in office – and what kind of tax policies they might promote.
The solution; compromise and reasonable legislation. Tommy Thompson may make a great GOP candidate though, considering he’s has no idea why Wisconsinites were protesting in the first place.
He says recall organizers are acting like quote, “kids on a playground,” striking back only because they didn’t win in last fall’s elections.
Idiot. Oh, and don’t forget the “jobs.”
And Thompson says it’s wasting money that could have been used to create new jobs.
Heck, if a GOP operative farts, its considered a job creator.
ReplyDeletePerhaps Tommy was out hunting and he drank some water contaminated with anthrax. Oh, wait, that's what Thompson offered as an explanation for the first of the anthrax terrorist attacks back when he was Secretary of HHS..
On October 4, 2001 - just a few weeks after the 9/11 attacks, Thompson jumped the gun when he tried to blame the first case of pulmonary anthrax in the U.S. in 25 years on the victim: “We do know that he drank water out of a stream when he was traveling through North Carolina last week.”
By November of 2001, Thompson was admitting that the anthrax attacks, which eventually killed five and sickened dozens, were possibly acts of terrorism.
A few months later, Thompson would be virtually absent from public policy discussions and decisions in D.C. and his memory would fade from the nation.