That same campaign had been generally been rolled out nationwide,
as an untested “all or nothing” experiment. The experiment worked in Wisconsin, thanks to Scott
Walker and massive amounts of special interest "free speech."
Reality and ideas are no longer in play, which
might mean a Romney presidency based on nothing more than buzz words like “freedom,”
“liberty,” and the cliché “take our country back.”

Ezra Klein: The latest Washington Post/ABC News poll shows the presidential race tied, 47-47. (According to reporters) Dan Balz and Jon Cohen, “The stability persists despite the costliest blitz of early campaign advertising the country has ever seen.”
It’s also persisted despite bad jobs numbers, “the private sector is fine,” a Supreme Court ruling on the health-care law, substantial media coverage of Romney’s record at Bain and his unusually creative tax return, financial panic in Europe, and much more.
Here’s the key:
“The lack of movement underscores intense polarization -- about nine in 10 Republicans back Romney, and a similar proportion of Democrats support Obama -- and a relatively small percentage of voters say there is a ‘good chance’ that they could change their minds before November.”
I know how Wisconsin’s recall election turned out, and personally, I don't know if I can prepare for the worst...again.
My husband and I voted together on June 5th. I show up on He registered at the polls and it says that there are no matching records. We have lived in the same house over 30 years and he belongs to a private union. I'm not sure what to do. Has everyone checked to see if their vote counted?