Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Walker cuts Wisconsin's Court System Funding Again, by Mistake or in another Power Grab?

Slashing and cutting their way to reduce the size of government, Scott Walker and state Republicans apparently forgot about the last slashed budget. Is anyone in the Capitol paying attention?

Thanks to Chief Justice Shirley Abrahamson, these nincompoops were kindly informed of their mistake. Here's the audio:

WPR: As Republican state lawmakers review Governor Scott Walker's proposed budget, they are considering reducing the amount Walker would cut from Wisconsin's court system. Wisconsin Supreme Court Chief Justice Shirley Abrahamson told lawmakers it amounts to the largest cuts in the history of the court system. What has some legislators worried is that the governor's budget may include what they consider to be a “double cut” of what the state spends on its court system. That is partly because the last budget required temporary cuts to the courts in both the last two years and in the next two. Add to that the new cuts proposed in this budget.
Abrahamson got some attention from legislators. Republican Assembly Joint Finance Committee Co-Chair John Nygren says, “We need to figure out what's really going on there and I don't think that's the legislature's intent — to make a double cut to the courts.”
Ya think? But even stranger is the bizarre comparison made by the Walker Authority;  
Governor Walker's budget director told lawmakers that as a percentage, the cuts to the court system were smaller than cuts to the Governor's office. But the size of the court budget in terms of dollars, people and buildings is much larger to begin with.
There’s no excuse for this level of bad state management, unless Walker wants to weaken our courts for more political power. 

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