Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Gun Thugs easily convinced to oppose background checks, bring guns to threaten Moms Demand Action's control rally.

Men showed up with guns at a Moms Demand Action gun regulation rally. Amazing.

Want to see what it’s like to have armed citizens just standing around in public? Check out the TV news coverage of “guys with their guns” missing the point of background checks and sensible regulations.

I guess these losers don’t have that much to worry about, they've got the guns, but for the majority of citizens who choose not to carry…well they’re shit-out-of-luck. The constitution insure’s “domestic Tranquility” and promote’s “the general Welfare” for everyone, especially those who don’t carry, but that doesn't matter to these Neanderthal “strangers” with their toys. They don't mind allowing the legal purchase of guns by criminals. You could say they've surrendered, given up to the criminals.

Welcome to the tea party third world nation. Watch in amazement this clip of the TV coverage, and just what kind of thugs we're talking about:

Several armed men showed up uninvited at the Moms Demand Action gun control rally at the statehouse in Indianapolis, Indiana, reports ThinkProgress.org. The unidentified men, who claimed to be part of Indiana Moms Against Gun Control, carried assault weapons and pistols. They stood silently as Moms Demand Action held a rally against military style weapons and for background checks.


  1. You sound like you are just scared of a man with a gun. You know what I'm afraid of when I have my weapon on? NOTHING!! Grow some balls, arm yourself and quit being afraid.

  2. Thank you, you made my point. Your sense of false confidence is all it takes now to use a firearm now in everyday life. Part of the solution.

  3. That comment comes from a knuckle dragged, i am so sick of these gun FREAKS. Put them in a coliseum and they can shoot each other.
