Monday, November 5, 2012

Sykes pushing voter suppression tactics...

Attempting to tamp down Democratic turnout, conservative talker Charlie Sykes can't help but try real hard to discourage voter turnout. Like this post at his blog:
As of the latest update from Wisconsin early voting, the gap between Dane and Waukesha is once again 2k. But that's with a massive increase in the overall vote, meaning the gap is even less statistically significant than before. So here's the big question for Wisconsin Democrats: where are your college kids? What happened to them? Why do you have to send Katy Perry to Milwaukee this weekend and Bruce Springsteen to Madison on Monday in the hopes of getting them out?
Why do you have to have super sized has-been like Meatloaf sing off key for a Romney Rally? Kid Rock...? Lee Greenwood and comedian Dennis Miller? Kelsey Grammar, Chuck Norris, Honey Boo Boo, Donald Trump, Jack Nicklaus and country musics Oak Ridge Boys?

Oh, I forgot, they're supporting the real patriots.

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget the guy who talks to empty chairs. That will follow Clint forever.
