Sunday, November 4, 2012

Romney Endorsements prove Republicans working under different set of rules.

In a state where Scott Walker and the Republican legislature, lead by the highly offensive and partisan Fitzgerald brothers, rammed through a straight partly line agenda without one Democratic vote, I thought this section of the Wisconsin State Journals endorsement of Mitt Romney stood out as especially hypocritical:
Our pick: Mitt Romney-It was Obama and his fellow Democrats who went it alone on health care, making subsequent deals even harder to find. It still is Obama who hasn't laid out a clear vision for the next four years.
I know, I almost choked on the idea that Romney actually laid out a "clear vision"  of the next four years. He didn't. Low information voters got what they wanted, a low information campaign.

After not taking one question from the press in 3 weeks from the print media, and four weeks from the TV networks, it's difficult to imagine any voter being satisfied with that. Yet things might be going in that direction.

But even worse, the media set themselves up for further irrelevance and declining viewership. They oddly settled on being shut out of the election by the Republican candidate for president. Instead of fighting back and calling out the Romney/Ryan campaign for shortchanging the public's need to know, they said...nothing.

Pundit prognostication can only tolerated so long before viewers have had enough and tune out. 

1 comment:

  1. Well, now it seems that my bird will be able to read the WSJ's endorsement of Romney. however, since I never buy that rag, Polly will need to wait for a while until I can pull the paper out of the recycling bin.

    An irrelevant waste of paper just became even less important.
