Wednesday, November 7, 2012

O'Reilly trashes People who want Stuff...things.

Much has been made of the video clip below of Bill O'Reilly taking a shot of all those Americans adversely affected by the economy, and none of it good. It appears his bold faced racism is striking a sour angry note for everybody, not including those tea party members who are still putting together their bone through the nose signage. Watch the video and read along:
It’s not a traditional America anymore. People want stuff. They want things. And who is going to give them things? President Obama. He knows it and he ran on it. Whereby twenty years ago President Obama would be roundly defeated by an establishment candidate like Mitt Romney. The white establishment is now the minority. The voters, many of them, feel like the economic system is stacked against them. And they want stuff. You’re going to see a tremendous Hispanic vote for President Obama. Overwhelming black vote for President Obama. And women will probably break President Obama’s way. People feel they are entitled to things. And which candidate between the two is going to give them things?


  1. "We are now out-numbered by the youth vote, the single issue voters, voters with an agenda, and voters dependent on the government, i.e., jobs or welfare ."
    "It's very difficult to beat Santa Claus" --Rush Limbaugh, 7 Nov 12"

    The election is so much more than this. The people figured it out, they plucked the signal from the high-dollar noise. They put their shoulders into pushing back against the odds and obstacles. I did the door to door thing here, people are savvy, there is such a thing as distributed intelligence.
    Reilly wants to narrow the narrative down to, "people want their stuff". Well, bugger him!
    Maybe this may be a turning point. Maybe things can get better from here on. The right is truly poisoning the well of civil discourse, dumbing things down, too much chest pounding, too little real science. Theirs is the evocation of a body un-politic and it's a junk yard dog liable to bite children.
    Reilly's views are loser's views and a poor loser at that. We can't move forward if we view half the population as cartoon caricatures, some war poster's demons of one kind or another. I just did the local, old-boys coffee klatch, a rural conservative crowd, but they are civil and open to talking. We can do better than Reilly or Rush.

  2. Dear Mr. Foster, Well said! More than anything else, Tuesday gave me hope that most people are above the rhetoric slanted toward ignorance. We can do so much better!
