Sunday, July 1, 2012

Gov. O'Malley rips into Walker over Freeloader Tax.

Scott Walker claimed the state found out that people will end up paying more for their insurance  under the Affordable Care Act. The research that makes this claim is no where to be found. It would be interesting to see how shopping competitively for insurance in the exchanges would raise premiums, unless a poll they solicited is that "research." 
The state's Office of Free Market Health Care is seeking input from consumers and other stakeholders that would be used in designing an online marketplace for individuals and small employers to buy health insurance.
Here's what Walker said:
Walker said he "learned" from Romney's example in Massachusetts: "In the case of Wisconsin, we learned looking at that state, Massachusetts is a good example, we learned from what we found from our actuarial assessment that we did this past year that it was not a good measure for the state of Wisconsin," Walker said.
Romney Care actually brought down the cost, covered more people and has high approval ratings, which is just the opposite of what Walker is saying here.

Democrats, heads up, Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley just demonstrated how to fight these carnival barkers. Check it out from CBS.

One more thing: Walker thinks if people have more "skin in the game" costs will go down. Think about that conservative voters. "Skin in the game" is another way of saying you'll be paying more of your hard earned money on insurance premiums and medical bills. Walker's betting you'll put off seeing a doctor, thus save money and ration care.


  1. What--you mean Scott Walker tries to spin information------ROFL! This is standard fare here in WI sadly.

  2. The only way the Republican Party can replace ObamaCare with a Republican approved stamp is to replace it with the Massachusetts RomneyCare which was the model for ObamaCare. It's like saying "I don't want your chocolate cake because I don't like chocolate so I'm going to have a brownie!" It's okay because brownies don't have the word chocolate in the name and Republican's don't want anything going through as a law with Obama on the name which is funny because the Republican's renamed this bill ObamaCare as some sort of derogatory slang from being called The Affordable Care Act.

  3. That's it. I'm moving to Maryland. Wisconsin has gone so far down the pit since this criminal-to-be took office I don't even recognize it anymore. John Doe Walker is a liar. His recall ads lied, he lies, his employees seem to lie...a lot. But Wisconsinites said this was a-okay. Of course, there are many of us who also believe the voting machines and media lied too.

  4. Did O'Malley just call Walker an "idio ...logue?"

  5. I am still amazed that Gov. Walker remains in office after the re-call election. Are the majority of our state's citizens really lacking that much intelligence? Please get me out of OZ and back to civilization before I start believing his garbage myself! What state is safe to move to these days? Oh, let's wait until November. If Mitt Romney is elected then Canada seems really nice.

  6. Well Walker is in office because the people of Wisconsin voted for him to be there, TWICE. Liberal fools

    1. I think u mean the "conservative fools" voted him in twice.

  7. All you Anonymous' out there, the wise people of Wisconsin re-elected a great American as their governor. As long as your packing, please move to another country.

  8. No, I'm not voting for the Dipshit Tea Party because I'm alergic to nuts and fruits! It's the intelligent species in the Untied States, yes, the liberals who will prevail in 2012.

  9. O'Malley is wiser about the economy than Walker, but Badgers are better than Terrapins(snapping turtles, the U of Maryland mascot).

    Maryland's economy is growing and they are reforming in a reasonable way.

    Wisconsin uses the word "reform" to mean "cuts" and has gone from progressive to regressive in 2 years.

    Both states are pretty, we have better cheese. Maryland's big city suburbs are Democratic, by and large, Wisconsin's are Republican.

    Wisconsin has way, way better bike trails.

  10. Half the people of Wisconsin are brain dead republicans, who will take a $100 bribe to vote against their best interest. The other half of Wisconsin people see Walker for what he is, a turd that will not flush!

  11. The vote was compromised by the Republicans "overhaul" of the election system,unfortunately,Wisconsin has to suffer this evil fascism!
    Take warning,don't allow Wisconsin's destruction to be in vain fight these murderous traitors back to the hell they came from!
