It’s hard to know why or how something so outlandish as the "walking regimen" could have happened in the U.S.. At a time when school boards and principals have taken away teacher control with their dreaded new “handbooks,” is it just a coincidence that the North Korean marching torture has suddenly become a solution to playground mischief?
As a parent of an elementary student, I would have seriously gone berserk confronting the dictatorial principal who came up with her “walking regimen.”
Some parents aren’t pleased with the start of the new school year at Waters Elementary School. A new walking regimen has raised the ire of several moms and dads who liken the mandatory 10-minute walk twice a day to a “concentration camp.” “This isn’t a prison. Children need to be free to run and play and socialize with their friends,” said Rebecca Fiebig. Her daughter came home upset after the very first day of school and from now on wants to be dropped off shortly before the bell rings.
If you have time to watch the story from WBAY, you'll notice how nonchalant the parents are over this insane Bataan student march.
Imagine doing the following in the blazing heat at summers end, or a string of hot days in spring…
According to a new walking curriculum, students are required to walk 10 minutes before school and again during the first 10 minutes of their only recess. After receiving several complaints, Principal Catherine Daniels sent a robo-message out to parents stating that in the past there have been occurrences of injuries and discipline problems on the playground. “In an effort to be healthy and safe at Waters School one strategy that we have implemented is the organized walks,” she said.
Healthy...walking in circles like in a prison yard? I'm stunned that anything like this could happen in America. It's not cute, it's not normal, it punitive and bizarre in a kinky sorta way.
After walking in circles in the hot sun, Ami King’s children asked their mother if this was some kind of punishment. “Basically, I feel the kids deserve to play at recess. It isn’t entertaining or fun to walk around and around in a circle, on blacktop,” she said.This move to the authoritarian right, where "leaders" force their "tough decisions" on the rest of us in the name of discipline, is gaining general acceptance. For example, this comment was posted in response to the video:
Parent Jen Memmel said by the morning of the second day of school parents had already had it. Many of them sat in a grassy area, refusing to let their children participate.
"Seriously? The children don't get to socialize for twenty minutes and some parents are upset? They must have the fat kids."Still not feeling that sinking feeling yet?
UPDATE: Just how bad were things at an "elementary school?" Here's the bizarre "settlement" from Principal Daniels:
During the noon recess, Waters School studentswill walk twice around the track and then be allowed to play, said Principal Catherine Daniels.
Remember, were talking about little kids...
In the morning, students can walk the track or socialize in specific areas that have been set aside, she said.
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