Thursday, April 4, 2013

Republican State Sen. Lasee can't prove Wind Farms Harm Health, so now he Demands Proponents Prove No Harm!

Republicans hate wind energy. The fact that it's free...they hate that. The one time cost of the turbines and connection to the grid is really all that's involved. Very little maintenance is required. It doesn't pollute, which over the long term save lives and reduces health care costs.

To their chagrin, Republicans have seen many of their arguments against wind energy fall flat on its "bird and­ bat deaths, the cost (which are now declining), and disrupting the appearance of natural landscapes (which I like)." -How Science Works

Proving the Negative-From the department of "How dumb do they think we are?" Sen. Frank Lasee (la'-say) now wants to reverse the burden of proof from opponents, to proponents of wind energy. Since there's no substantive proof wind turbines cause harm with inaudible low frequency sound (infrasound), he wants supporters of the job creating wind industry to prove his unprovable allegations are wrong.

Recent Testing: Currently, setbacks for wind turbines must be 1,250 ft. or greater. That's about a quarter of a mile. Recent testing was done and here's what happened:

WindWatch: The recently released sound study conducted at the Shirley Wind Farm in eastern Wisconsin did verify that sound levels in a home 1,280 feet away from one turbine could have caused the illnesses reported by the family that lived there. Two homes that were further away from the turbines (3,300 feet and 7,100 feet away) had limited or no low-frequency or infrasound detected by the sound tests.

3,300 ft. is over a half mile,which might be a compromise distance for both sides of the issue.
People who live near a highway or busy street may have trouble sleeping, which can lead to other health problems like irritability, anxiety, concentration and dizziness.
Beyond the skyline water based wind farms is another solution. If Frank Lasee really cared for his constituents, why not propose a bill instituting the latest noise canceling technology:
To solve this sound issue, new wind-power technology employs sound-dampening systems. Engineers are hoping that these newer systems -- which can block or cancel out multiple sound frequencies -- will reduce any sound-related problems associated with wind farm communities [source: Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft].
The truth is this isn't about the health affects, it's about a politically rigid ideology of the right, doing just what they say government shouldn't be doing; picking winners and losers.  


  1. First do no harm does comes to mind. People are Not Guinea Pigs.

  2. Funny, I don't hear you say that about Paul Ryan's plan to privatize Medicare or the our system in America. A free market health care system has never been attempted no harm? People aren't guinea pigs.

  3. So Republicans once again have two brains:

    Brain 1: Mining proponents are presumed to have all the right answers. It's up to opponents to disprove claims of environmental purity or else a mine is approved.

    Brain 2: Wind generator opponents are presumed to have all the right answers. It's up to proponents to disprove claims of harm or else a wind generator is not approved.
