Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Do-nothing Johnson even has an excuse for opposing Gun Background checks. Oddly, the same excuse could apply to all Law.

No one seems to want to ask Dumb Ron Johnson why a law has to be totally effective or it’s not worth having. It the only logical next question to ask, isn't it?

Background checks don’t infringe on the right to have a gun, and magazine size restrictions have nothing to do with the Second Amendment. Yet Dummy Boy insists he’s protecting the constitution.

Can we just fire this arrogant, lazy millionaire ideologue? He’s rationalized doing absolutely nothing. Recall time folks.

Johnson’s bizarre "his way or no way," black and white view of the world is breathtaking:
jsonline: Senate Republican Ron Johnson re-stated his opposition to expanded
background checks, a core aim of the legislation that Senate Democrats are preparing. Johnson said his intention is to filibuster any legislation that “would infringe on our Second Amendment rights. To me, that’s a pretty easy letter to sign.” Johnson said of the gun debate, “There’s no magic wand we can wave and prevent these tragedies in the future. I don’t see how you can achieve universal background checks. That’s going to be another government program at additional cost. It’s a speed bump to law-abiding citizens and will have absolutely no effect in terms of keeping guns from people who want to do harm. I just don’t think it’s going to be effective at all.”

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