Sunday, April 15, 2012

For Ron Johnson, a lot of angry voters means Republicans must be doing something right?

A while back I was struck by the repeated use of the words "leadership" and "leader" by Rep. Paul Ryan, who suggested hard working Americans needed a little tough love from those few courageous father like leaders elected into office. His focus on the two words was odd and noticeable.

Dumb Ron Johnson has taken the same tact, by denouncing the use of recall elections as a form of resistance that won't be tolerated once the courageous elected officials make the "tough decisions" and "take the tough votes." They're doing it for us and "the homeland."
Johnson: "If the reward for elected officials, to show courage, to first of all, acknowledge the problem, and then make tough decisions to take the tough votes to solve the problem. If their reward is to get booted out of office before their term is up, that sends a terrible signal to other elected officials...address it in the ballot box in the next scheduled election." 
Yeah, it would be terrible to send a message like that. Who do the "people" think they are?

As a fellow blogger at Rock Netroots put it, "The more outrage they attract, the better the courage and leadership qualities they think they possess. It's a sociopathic symptom of a self-feeding martyrdom."

But it's a different story when Republicans go after Democratic lawmakers. The best example is in the conservative rant below. Just replace Obama's name with Scott Walker's, replace impeach with recall, and hey, it's just what we've been saying:
Westernjournalism: To those who may be saying that pushing for (recall) impeachment is "impractical" with an election less than year away, we respectfully ask: how much damage can Barack Obama (Walker) do in one year? How much power can he tyrannically usurp in a year? How much damage can he do to this great country and our Constitution in a year?

Pending elections DO NOT trump the Constitution and at this point, patriotic Americans should not be asking WHETHER (Walker) Barack Obama should be (recalled) impeached but rather, need to be asking WHEN will (Walker) Barack Obama be (recalled) impeached!

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