Monday, April 16, 2012

Did Property Values Drop do to Stripping Union Rights?

Before the news media plays up the propagandist press releases churning out of the Walker administration, they might want to check a few things first; the falling property values do to the worst real estate market in years, and the foreclosure rates that hurt city revenues all over the state.

Another words, maybe taxes are down because the median value of a home dropped, Walker froze property tax rates and home prices plummeted? I'd be curious to know that first, before giving them one inch of mileage. 
Channel3000; Gov. Scott Walker's administration says property taxes dropped slightly last year.

The administration issued a statement Monday morning saying taxes on a median value home dipped 0.4 percent, the first time in 12 years they've decreased. The statement credited the governor's move to strip public workers of their union rights.

1 comment:

  1. According to the Wisconsin Realtors Association, median sales price of a Wisconsin home was down 6.4%, from $141,000 to $132,000, so a drop of 0.4% shows a major property tax INCREASE.

    It ain't working, and you better bring this up tomorrow, John.
