Friday, April 13, 2012

Conservative Walker Backer Wisconsin State Journal says Road Construction "vote of confidence" in State??

Those extra lanes between Madison and the Illinois border have been planned for years. Wow, big surprise and what an amazing shot in the state's arm. The State Journal's ridiculous headline is a blatant campaign gift to Walker.

What in gods name does adding an extra lane have to do with "confidence" in the states jobs picture, or it's overall economic outlook? Nothing at all.

What a pathetic attempt to spin the news for a troubled and economically challenged governor.


  1. Pure propaganda, as though private investors are flocking to the state to build highways. The State Journal has absolutely no shame as they push their Neocon Evangelical agenda. "Lying for Jesus and Greed" should be their motto.

    When Lee Enterprises extorted the closure of the Capital Times I was offered the option of converting my subscription to the State Journal. Naturally I chose a refund.

    I haven't spent one penny on that rag in forty years, although I admit to picking up the odd discarded copy in a coffee shop. From front to back it's a riveting four minute read, at best, although I once timed myself at forty-five seconds.

    I eagerly anticipate the quarantine of their journalistic cholera behind the promised online paywall. Please, bring it on. Think of the children.

  2. Well, even if the freeway project didn't materialize during the Walker regime, neither did the high-speed rail expansion project. Yet, apparently, the State Journal pretends the freeway will be an "economic shot in the arm" while the far bigger passenger rail project would have been...*yawn!*
