Thursday, July 31, 2014

On the supposed IRS Scandal, tell us something we already didn't know about right wing "crazies" and "ass**les!"

While Republicans call Democrats traitors, liars, major league assholes, commies etc...the IRS's Lois Lerner is getting flak now for being completely honest about the scam artists seeking tax exempt status. She called some conservatives crazy, and others assholes, in context. I would have applied that more broadly. What an outrage? If you just listened to Rep. Dave Camp, it sounds pretty bad:
jsonline: Rep. Dave Camp (R-Mich.), chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, released the emails Wednesday as part of his committee's investigation and said the emails show Lerner's "disgust with conservatives." In one email, Lerner called some conservatives crazies. In the other, she called them "assholes." The committee redacted the wording to "—holes" in the material that it released publicly, but a committee spokeswoman confirmed to The Associated Press that the email said "assholes."
Wow, AP confirmed the word "assholes." What a scoop.

But Lerner didn't just start ranting about right wing "crazies" and "assholes," she was responding to comments made to her. Here's the context and sound reasoning behind her honest statement about the right wing loons, which Camp thinks is perfectly normal:
Lerner tells the person that she overheard some women say America was bankrupt and "going down the tubes." 
"Well, you should hear the whacko wing of the GOP," replied the person, whose name was blacked out by Camp's office. "The US is through; too many foreigners sucking the teat; time to hunker down, buy ammo and food, and prepare for the end. The right wing radio shows are scary to listen to."

Lerner replies: "Great. Maybe we are through if there are that many assholes."

The other person replies: "And I'm talking about the hosts of the shows. The callers are rabid."

Lerner says: "So we don't need to worry about alien teRrorists. It's our own crazies that will take us down."
"This email shows that Ms. Lerner's mistreatment of conservative groups was driven by her personal hostility toward conservatives," Camp said in the letter to Holder.
Victims again? After all, we all know sane it is to claim, "The US is through; too many foreigners sucking the teat; time to hunker down, buy ammo and food, and prepare for the end. The right wing radio shows are scary to listen to." 

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