Thursday, March 17, 2011

Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce Pres. Haney wants businesses to call out local DA's to force workers to buy from our corporate abusers.

Did you know; Free markets only work if consumers allow businesses to do whatever they want, even hurt the people they depend on to make and buy their products.

This unhealthy Republican preoccupation with pleasing business, doing anything for business, and giving everything away to business has got to stop.

Unions, independent business owners, parents and their children all understand that something has to be done. Boycotting anti-consumer, anti-worker, anti-government businesses hit these for profit players where it hurts, in the pocket. That doesn’t set well with corporate lapdogs like WMC:
Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce, the state's largest pro-business group, announced a new campaign "to stand up to government union boss intimidation and purchase goods and services from state businesses to save jobs." The campaign is a response to efforts by several unions urging its members to engage in what they called "voluntary consumer activism."
This shows the power consumers have over business. But to tell you the truth, it won’t be hard boycott businesses because most of us can’t afford to consume anymore, all due to the job uncertainty created on purpose by Haney and his band of corporate thieves?
jsonline: James Haney, WMC's president, said state businesses were struggling to come out of the recession. “We need to buy Wisconsin to help protect jobs and keep our state strong. If businesses fail, we lose jobs and government loses tax revenue to provide vital programs like education," Haney said.
Go to hell Jim. The way I see it, they need us, so they should fork over great wages and benefits.
Haney said he didn't understand the actions taken by the unions. “When we buy from Wisconsin companies we help keep jobs in Wisconsin.” Added Haney: “Many times, these boycotts backfire and actually result in companies getting more business."
I love the fact that Haney appears to be quite desperate. So desperate in fact, that he’s going to threaten us with lawsuits? Yes, really. Isn't it about time we stop tolerating corporate blackmail?
Haney said businesses that are either threatened or extorted should contact their local district attorney. “Some of these tactics may be illegal and should be investigated by law enforcement,” Haney said. “Businesses who are threatened or harassed for their beliefs should call their county district attorney to report these incidents.”
One Wisconsin Now responded this way to WMC’s threat to force Americans to be unwilling participants in their not so free “free market.”
 “Corporate special interests can buy Gov. Scott Walker and the Republican legislature, but you cannot buy the people of Wisconsin. Gov. Walker's unprecedented attack … is a plot to dismantle the middle class and enrich the wealthy, corporate America and Wall Street. Gov. Walker is raising taxes on the working poor by $51 million to give corporations and the wealthy $200 million in special interest tax breaks. 
Haney just exposed a crack in their power structure, which I think we should exploit to its fullest.

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