Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Racist (?) Sen. Glenn Grothman, Defers Working on MLK Holiday to Employee Day off of their Choice.

West Bend is proud of their racist (?) state senator, Glenn Grothman, or they would have booted him out long ago. Besides his conspiracy theories about liberal indoctrination in our colleges and distaste for 4 year old Kindergarten, taking a day off for a celebrated BLACK civil right leaders was just too much:
WSJ: Staffers worked in the office of state Sen. Glenn Grothman, R-West Bend, who says giving public employees the day off "is an insult to all the other taxpayers around the state" who may want to get in touch with government offices.
Grothman told Wisconsin Radio Network it's not racist to keep his office open on a holiday dedicated to the slain civil rights leader. "Let's be honest, giving government employees off has nothing to do with honoring Martin Luther King Day and it's just about giving state employees another day off." Grothman told the State Journal that he doubts state workers would be "checking out DVDs or reading books" about King and would probably just be out shopping or watching television instead. "I'd be shocked if you can find anybody doing service," he added.
When asked if he had any plans to honor King on Monday, Grothman answered that he's "got kind of a busy schedule."
Not sure if Grothman in racist yet (Odd: the sentence below was removed from the online version of this story)?
Both of Grothman’s employees who worked Monday in his state Capitol office will be able to take another day off as compensation.
And that's okay with voters in West Bend, just as long as their State Senator’s employees didn't have to take off on that insulting BLACK civil rights leader’s unnecessary holiday. 

Glenn's not the only one having difficulty adapting to the 21st century:

According to the State Journal:
Critics have been quick to point out that Grothman has a history of what some would call "culturally insensitive" legislation. He has also tried to amend the state Constitution to outlaw affirmative action, opposed requiring police to collect demographic information during traffic stops to combat racial profiling, and opposed legislation that did away with American Indian mascots.
Grothman says the issues are "totally unrelated," adding that many Republicans oppose the mascots bill and efforts to track racial profiling.

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