Monday, March 4, 2013

Poverty Level Parents to pay $19 a month for Health Care, and $1800 to $4200 for Deductible. "Good Value" says outgoing Sec. of Health Dennis Smith.

I couldn't get the following statement out of my mind over the weekend. The comment was made in response to dumping the working poor on BadgerCare into the health care exchanges that would require them to also pay huge deductibles;

WSJ: The 87,000 parents who would be shifted from Medicaid to a health insurance exchange under Gov. Scott Walker's budget "will see the value of what's being offered" and sign up, outgoing health services secretary Dennis Smith said Tuesday. The parents, who make just above the poverty level, would face monthly premiums starting at $19 a month, Smith said. That doesn't include out-of-pocket costs for care, estimated at $1,850 to $4,200 a year.

"We believe overwhelmingly people will find that to be of good value," he said.

That represents out-of-pocket costs for the most basic plan in the health care market place (exchanges). It also doesn't help families spend money in the state, create demand, which in turn creates jobs. Still wondering why our state economy stinks?

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