Monday, August 6, 2012

Tommy Thompson's Tough Love on Medicare: "Republicans will have to make the necessary reductions."

It's simple isn't it; After the big banks took all our money and jobs away, they decided to send out their army of Republican politicians to take away our safety nets. Those safety nets, "hammocks," act as our reset buttons, where we have the time to gather up our strength and get back out into the workforce. Instead, banks want to create a desperate and cheap economic underclass.

Senate candidate Tommy Thompson made it abundantly clear what Republicans have in store for American families. Austerity. What the government gives up to reduce spending, increases the out-of-pocket costs to individuals who'll pay much more than they did as a group. For some reason, this makes sense to conservatives, proving once again they're lousy fiscal stewards.
Thompson: "We have to make the tough decisions now. And I believe it's the moral responsibility of Republicans to fix this, because Republicans will have to make the necessary reductions, Democrats just do not have it in the DNA to make the necessary subtractions and's going to take the Republicans to do this."
There's nothing moral about pricing seniors out of their homes with higher Medicare costs. Thompson's threat that Republicans will do what the Democrats won't makes the choice even clearer. What isn't said is just as important; we've got to increase revenues from those who can afford to pay. That's been our tax system from the very beginning.


  1. OK, this is a way OT, but Tommy got in a good one on WPR with Ben Merens. Tommy called Merens a Democrat.

    LOL, Ben Merens, WPR right-wing deficit hawk, union basher, with his daily Tea Party Power Hour, just about spit up in response, begging the question be anything else but his self professed, non-partisan journalistic professionalism. Ha! Almost peed my pants laughing.

    Ben, get a real job.

  2. For several decades Thompson has been sucking at the government and corporate welfare teet and has become wealthy in the process. It's nice to be lectured on austerity by a corrupt, alcoholic freeloader.

    Hey Tommy, how much do you have stashed in your Swiss accounts?

  3. i think the public policy affecting the health and economic security of older Americans.

    Medicare Alaska
