Saturday, March 12, 2011

Rep. Jeff Fitzgerald: "I know you feel passionate that this will ruin Wisconsin..."

There are a few comments worth noting here: Rep. Scott Suder claims localities have been "asking for it for years...for decades," the removal of collective bargaining-the "tools," so they can make their own decisions...which will be limited dramatically by the states big government Republicans. This will shift layoffs and firings to local governments, and absolve the big government Republicans of any responsibility, or so they think.

At the end of the clip, Rep. Jeff Fitzgerald unintentionally foretells the future:
"I know you feel passionate that this will ruin Wisconsin, and this is going to make everybody take to the streets, and Wisconsin as we know it will never be. That's simply not true." 
If you say so Jeff, and did he just cluelessly say that it will "make everybody take to the streets?" After all of the protests, the hundreds of thousands of people jamming the, never mind.

And yes, now we're going to be like most of the other southern Republican states, and this will not be the Wisconsin "as we know it."

1 comment:

  1. Yup, "oh, never mind" is right. You can lead a horse to water, but you can not make him drink. You can tell or show folks how wrong they are, but you can not make them understand it....sigh...
