Friday, March 11, 2011

Remember Ron Johnson's Description of worker protesters as "thugs" and "mobs?" Scott Walker Agrees.

“Actor” Senator Ron Johnson (a role he’s playing out of Fountain Head) describes the labor protests as being made up of “mobs and thugs.” Where would he get that idea? Scott Walker of course. You’ve gotta wonder how these autocrats talk about the "rabble" protesters in the streets behind closed doors. Check out this insulting exchange between Sean Hannity and Walker. I wonder if some of their comments could have also been applied equally to the tea party disruptions at last year’s town hall meetings. Just wondering.

Faux News: HANNITY: You know, so I was looking to all that was happening -- I want your reaction to some of the video and some of the shenanigans. This has now gone on for weeks here. Wisconsin police are now dragging protesters away. You are being portrayed as -- and Republicans have been portrayed as using the nuclear option. What did you make of all of this mayhem going on and that continues to go on, and Michael Moore and Jesse Jackson say will continue to go on … 
WALKER: And, thankfully, the legislature stood up to those sort of tactics, particularly tactics from out of state union bosses.
Hannity: the situation at the capitol is unsafe. There were reports that many of the senators and others have been targeted for death threats. And they were even protesting, as I understand it, outside of your home. Can you bring us up to speed on that? 
WALKER: Well, they are. They've been protesting the weeks since this bill was introduced almost a month ago, where they've come in front of my home. In the end, though, you know, this is not how we do things in Wisconsin … People should not be coming into the state trying to intimidate lawmakers, offer up threats or anything else, that's just not the way it's done, at least in the Midwest. 
And, thankfully, again, our lawmakers stood up to those sort of thuggery attacks and we're not going to allow that here in the state of Wisconsin. But the people coming from other states that bring these sorts of tactics just don't belong here. And, hopefully, they'll move on to another state where they think those tactics might work because they don't work in Wisconsin.
Completely made up. Didn't happen. Who are these out of stater's Walker continues to blame? Do you get the feeling this is just more Republican projection, giving us an insight on how they would have pulled off what would be a purely political stunt.

I've been at the protests at least 6 times, and these are Wisconsinites dressed in red and white, green and gold, day after day. You can't bus people in without buses, or add tens of thousands of kids and parents marching around the Capitol, at all hours of the day using cheap political tricks.

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