Thursday, March 17, 2011

Lobbying firm BGR Group's name could stand for Big Government Republicans. Protest Video...

Something struck me as I was writing this blog; Republican governors are literally using their party’s BIG government dominance to dictate worker’s rights in the public and private sector, and take away local control from cities and counties.  I call these guys Big Government Republicans. They then flew off for a big money fundraiser at the lobbying firm of the BGR Group … BGR could very well stand for Big Government Republicans.  

Having said that, here’s what’s happening in DC.
TPM: For about 30 minutes Wednesday afternoon, a group of a couple hundred union workers, labor activists and progressives turned the lobby of a DC office building into a mini-Wisconsin State Capitol.

 In a microcosm of the fight between labor and the Republican-led government in the Badger State, union protesters (and their progressive allies) stormed the lobby of a downtown DC office building that hold the headquarters of BGR Group, a lobbying firm that was hosting a fundraiser for, among others, several of the Republican state Senators who just voted to strip collective bargaining from thousands of Wisconsin union workers. Lisa Werth, a DC nanny and the daughter of two Wisconsin union workers said of Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, "People I know back home voted for Walker because of his pro-life stance. But he doesn't have a pro-living stance." 
 And upstairs, just as in the state Senate chamber in Madison, the targets of the protest said they were unfazed.  
As expected, conservative blogs are taking pot shots at, and yet are struck dumb fearful of, these protests. 

Rightnetwork posted this headline and twisted coverage of the protests against big money’s payoff to Wisconsin’s Republican leaders: 
"Union Thugs, Leftwing Activists & Socialists Shut Down DC Rush HourTraffic to Protest Scott Walker Fundraiser"
There’s nothing worse than slowing down a commuters drive back home when you’re defending against the big government Republicans attack on labor and local elected officials:
Shopfloor reported: Sundry labor and leftwing activists marched through downtown Washington, D.C., this evening, blocking main streets right in the heart of the evening commute. There were a few hand-drawn signs expressing solidarity with union employees in Wisconsin, many professional signs from the Amalgamated Transit Union, and some posters from the Socialist Workers Party. How does making it difficult for people to get home build sympathy for organized labor?
I’m crying alligator tears. There’s more:
The Washington Examiner had more on the protest: What appear to be more than 1,000 pro-union protesters … trapping inside attendees of a Wisconsin Republican Party fundraiser.

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