Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Justice Prosser, a TURD? Among other things....yes.

Justice David Prosser needs a little anger management:
From WITI-TV 6: On April 5th, voters will decide who will sit on Wisconsin's Supreme Court Bench. Both Incumbent Justice David Prosser and Assistant Attorney General Joanne Kloppenburg made their case to voters, but at times the debate turned to verbal blows.
To demonstrate how out of control Justice Prosser is at this point, take a look at his “low blow” comment to Kloppenburg below,
"Unlike my opponent I am part of my community." Prosser responded by saying, "I do reach out to youth, and students. Joanne that's a low blow."
What’s even worse for Prosser is the threat of social networking like Facebook.
Justice Prosser: "My opponent is using her Facebook page to gain voters, and steer support against things like the Governor's repair bill."

How unfair?!!! It gets worse. Prosser focused his anger on a random Facebook comment:
Justice Prosser: "One of them that kind of struck was, 'Stop the turd, vote Kloppenburg.' Well then, am I the turd?"
All this from the same guy that called the Chief Justice a "total bitch," and threatened to destroy her. Oh, and she goaded him into saying it.


  1. Well, as the person who posted the original "Stop the turd" facebook page, you might also want to go to "Kloppenburg defeats Prosser" on Youtube

  2. I wouldn't use the word "turd" but since Prosser has explicitly stated he does not consider it necessarily unethical to accept money from people and then decide a case for them, I would use the word "corrupt".

    Documentation: http://rewinn.blogspot.com/2011/03/corruption-independent-expenditures-in.html
