Monday, January 3, 2011

The Plan: Create a Desperate Public first, than give everything else to the private sector.

Jack Lohman wrote this warning about the consequences of the Republican rush to privatize "Big Government." 
There’s another ploy coming to a theater near you! They’ve been preparing the soil and soon they’ll spring it on us.
It’s called privatizing.
It’s always the same false claim: Private is more efficient than public. The public unions are impossible to work with, they’ll say, and we have a corporation that can save us dollars.
Rarely is that true, especially after they add all of the exorbitant salaries, bonuses, shareholder profits, marketing and political bribes that must be passed on to the taxpayer. These costs usually far exceed government waste, unless offset by egregiously low salaries that further harm the economy.
Need proof? Privatized Medicare Advantage costs taxpayers 17percent more than government Medicare, which provides care to 80percent of our seniors. Privatized Blackwater troops in the Mideast cost five times what U.S. troops cost. But Blackwater executives give campaign dollars and our troops don’t, so what else would you expect?
Politicians now have us right where they want us: desperate.

See his blog in the sidebar under The MoneyedPolicians.

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