Friday, March 8, 2013

The Absurdest World of Dumb Ron Johnson.

You didn't think I'd miss out on one of the most revealing speeches yet, about the radicalization of the Republican Party, by our own Wisconsin tea party alarmist Dumb Ron Johnson did you? Only David Horowitz could bring out the ugly.

What Johnson lacks in local face time with his constituents, he makes up for in appearances at elitist conservative events that do nothing more than stroke his ego-maniacal nature and deep seeded insecurities. So let's start:

In Johnson's fantasy world of doom: Obama has only made things worse?

"...if you have a balance approach...obviously, that's not going to work." But in reality, the news today was less than apocalyptic, to say the least:
AP: A burst of hiring last month added 236,000 U.S. jobs and reduced the unemployment rate to 7.7 percent ... suggested that the economy can strengthen further despite higher taxes and government spending cuts. Another day of stock gains would give the Dow Jones industrial average its fourth straight record close.
Of course if Romney had won the elections, he would have been full credit for this incredible turnaround. But there's so much more. It's a strain to watch this guys ego inflate before your vary eyes isn't it?

The Size of Government Myth: Dumb Ron Johnson blows absolute nonsense out of his ass when he claims the size of our government is the root of our problems. No documentation. Dare I suggest the size of our banks and the power of a deregulated Wall Street might be our real problem?

Corporate Education: Johnson proposes re-educating Americans through Big Business, not our colleges. And by turning companies into politically intimidating workplaces. He wants to put the corporate elite in charge of our country. Can you say creeping fascsim? Scary stuff:

Only Wealthy Elite get Health Care Freedom: Johnson got into politics because he completely misunderstood Obamacare. In his rant, he brags how he was able to to the best hospitals, shop for the "best surgeons in the world to find out what is the most advanced surgical technique," a luxury not many in our country have...and it was getting worse:

Social Security, like an Abscessed Tooth, needs to be Extracted: I did not know we liberals were trying to addict Americans to government. Conversely, what about that Koch addiction?

The 60's Radicals took over the Universities, the Law and Journalism: Johnson: "So it's not surprising we have a problem." 

The Welfare Queens are back: For Johnson, compassion and sympathy doesn't work. "Take a look at the affect of the unintended consequences of all our good intentions." 

The Cost of College Tuition, Blame the Government: Blame Republicans. Johnson doesn't realize draconian cuts by Republican legislatures have forced colleges to raise tuition dramatically. That in turn prompted assistance from a federal loan program. He doesn't really know this?

Johnson, Bachmann and Gohmert keep the spirit alive: "This countries far too precious to give up on it. The American spirit is alive. It might be a little imperiled with Obama in office...!"  I think he's saying liberals, Democrats and progressives need to be eliminated? 

1 comment:

  1. Can we recall him? If so, what are we waiting for?
