Thursday, July 7, 2011

Rush and Hannity triggered talk radio listener McVay to Plot killing Obama.

Where would a conservative sociopath get the idea that Obama is a danger to our country? From two other conservative sociopaths, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, where else?

How much more proof is needed to make the case we’ve got a problem with racist talk radio hosts, who claim any such message, is “completely unintentional.”

But explain this one:

Accused killer James McVay told WKOW 27 News reporter Tony Galli during a jailhouse interview he intended to reach Washington, D.C. to try to carry out a plot to kill President Obama, with a plan to try to harm the president while he was on a golf course. "One of his favorite pastimes, golfing;   I was going to get him at the golf range,"   McVay told Galli. McVay cited Obama's economic policies and other moves as a basis for the assassination plot, but also said alien forces were using Obama as a "puppet."

McVay said during a period of solitary confinement in a South Dakota prison his feelings hardened against Biden and Obama as he listened to national talk radio shows hosted by Sean Hannity,  Rush Limbaugh and others.

Come on, they'll say, it's just show biz.

Surprisingly missing from McVay's daily listening regime were Thom Hartmann, Ed Schultz, Stephanie Miller, Alan Colmes, Mike Malloy, Randi Rhodes.....

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