Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Tennessee Governor Candidate Marceaux: The Constitutions says "Bare arms against your government."

Tennessee governor candidate Basil Marceaux may not be the sharpest stick in the yard, but does at its basic level, prove the presence of the grunt "gun good" mentality inherent in the conservative mind. While many conservatives whine about a federal request that everyone have health insurance, or not receive a tax credit, Marceaux is willing to fine anyone who doesn't have a gun. Sounds similar, in a bizarre kind of way.

Appearing on WSMV-Channel 4 in Nashville, the 58-year-old war veteran swayed on his feet as he introduced himself. "Hi, I'm Basil Marceaux dot com," he said, although that is not his campaign's web address.

"Everyone carry guns. If you kill someone, though, you get murdered and go to jail," he said. "Vote for me and, if I win, I will immune you from all state crimes for the rest of you life."

He described his other political goals as including "removing all gold fringe flags", "stopping traffic stops" and "planting grass or vegetation" across the state.
Asked about his new celebrity, Mr Marceaux told the Times Free Press it was "fate".
He said: "I always knew it would happen because I'm sure everyone feels like me. It just takes guts."

He said he was pleased with the national attention he was getting, even if the coverage has largely mocked him.

My guess is that many Second Amendment tea partiers would find Basil's logic bullet proof. And if you don't carry a gun, fork over $10.
Marceaux: "After reading the Constitution, it says...we have a right to bare arms against our government...I might fine them ten dollars if they don't have...I'd have these little investigators out in the street with no power, and say, hey give, show your gun, and if they don't have one I'm gonna fine 'em ten bucks."

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