Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Fitzgerald not happy with recall law, the same law that brought us Scott Walker...

As I've mentioned a number of times before, TPM has done an amazing job covering the Wisconsin protests and political scene, and continues to do so with the article below. Uppidy Wisconsin ups the ante with an interesting point as well, and is the reason I couldn't help but post it here:
TPM: Wisconsin state Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald (R) expressed his frustration with the state's recall laws, during a press conference on Tuesday. 
Fitzgerald's off-the-cuff comments sounded less like he was mulling any actual prospective efforts to change the law, but rather seemed more a show of irritation … Later in the press conference, Fitzgerald was asked what he would like to see changed about the recall process, and whether he had anything specific in mind. 
"Yeah, I mean, I've always been a believer that recall probably would be more appropriate if a legislator was involved in some type of, you know, either criminal activity, or something that could be deemed, you know, unethical," said Fitzgerald. "Not related to simply taking a stance on a tough vote. And you know, I think there's other legislators that feel that way as well."
As noted by blogger Uppity Wisconsin:
No small irony that Scott Walker was elected Milwaukee County executive, his launching pad to run for governor, in a recall election.  The incumbent, Tom Ament, had made some very bad decisions about county pensions, but had done notihng illegal. Right wingers went into a frenzy, launching recalls, many successful, some not, against large numbers of county board members who had voted for the pension plan.


  1. Thanks for the link. The site is actually Uppity Wisconsin, and I'm one of several bloggers there. I wrote that piece as Xoff.

    By the way, I linked one of your posts last night on Facebook.

  2. Thanks for the correction.

    Your with a great blog and valuable resource for the rest of us.
