Sunday, March 13, 2011

And Republican Job Creation Rolls On….?

The Democrats lost the midterm elections because they didn’t create enough jobs. Republicans ran on jobs, jobs, jobs.  
The 2012 election is being played by Republicans as a sure bet to win. Yet isn’t it strange they’ve done nothing to create jobs? Nothing at all. Zero.

So what are they doing now? Creating jobs by establishing English as the official language?
Newsmax: Rep. Steve King and Sen. Jim Inhofe have introduced legislation to establish English as the official language of the United States government. 
The English Language Unity Act of 2011 establishes a uniform language requirement for naturalization … Rep. King said in a statement: "A common language is the most powerful unifying force known throughout history. We need to encourage assimilation of all legal immigrants in each generation. A nation divided by language cannot pull together as effectively as a people."
Not one job created, again. And if someone can’t read an English language voting ballot, so be it.

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