Friday, July 8, 2011

Americans have Already Contributed our Share of the Sacrifice!!! Why are we still talking about "both sides needing to sacrifice?"

The Republicans have moved the discussion to a point where the Democrats are chiming in with the same talking point, "shared sacrifice."

But we already sacrificed; 8 million jobs lost in 2008, 14 million jobless, a slow near jobless recovery, lower wages and benefits, retirement account losses from Wall Street crash, austere state government cuts and safety nets slashed. We gave.

Yet Obama has given all the signals that he's going to give up everything at this point so the government doesn't default. He's even asking us to give again, share the sacrifice on top of everything else we've suffered. WTF! There's going to be a big blank space, a no vote, on the ballot for president in 2011. If it means President Bachmann and tanking the economy, let's get to it, without the Democrats fingerprints all over it.

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