Thankfully, maybe even oddly, Republicans thought to cut that idea out of the budget.The Governor's proposed budget eliminates$700,000 a year for the DNR to remove the carcasses statewide.
But the Milwaukee Buck's arena might just be as dead as those bloating carcasses on the roadside, and good riddance. Journal Sentinel:
It's unclear if Republicans could get the needed votes from Democrats in the Senate.
Here's what every Democrats should be saying, even if it means saying sayonara to the Bucks, who's owner by the way has already threatened to move. Sen. Bob Wirch got it exactly right, changing my own position on this:
Asked if he could support the Bucks plan, Sen. Bob Wirch (D-Kenosha) said, "Hell, no."
He said the notion is unpopular in his district because Walker rejected a Hard Rock casino proposed by the Menominee tribe in Kenosha. The Menominee had offered to bankroll building the Bucks arena in one of its proposals.
The proposed casino was fiercely fought by the Potawatomi, whose Milwaukee casino is the most lucrative in the state.
"Tell the Potawatomi to pay for (the arena) — they killed the (casino) deal," Wirch said.
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