Tuesday, July 12, 2011

GOP Denies Hatching plot behind closed doors to Redistrict against Dems! It turns out they were lying, again.

The Republican Party is all about “projection;” a psychological defense mechanism where a person subconsciously denies his or her own attributes, thoughts, and emotions, which are then ascribed to the outside world, usually to other people. Thus, projection involves imagining or projecting the belief that others originate those feelings.

Keep this in mind as you read the following article. This is fascinating stuff, and nicely documented by the Daily Koz.

Yesterday, the relevant committee in the state Assembly met to schedule an extraordinary session to pass this legislation. The vote passed on party lines, 4-3. So, this is going to happen.
Wisconsin Democrats have been saying that Republicans would do this for months. When reporters asked Republicans about these accusations, they were provided only insulting responses:
“You talked to Democrats who ‘think’ that Republican leaders have these grand plots,” Andrew Welhouse, spokesman for Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald, says in an email response to questions about GOP plans. “I guess I’ll leave it up to your journalistic standards if their motivated speculation is worth reporting on.”
How dare you ask us if we are going to pass redistricting legislation before the recalls! That's nothing but baseless, biased speculation and the sign of a journalist with no professional standards at all. Oh, and by the way, here is the redistricting legislation we are going to pass before the recalls.

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