Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Recall Elections aren’t about a Single Issue!!! Only the Tone Deaf and Conservatives Seem to have Missed the Point.

I’m so tired of reading and hearing how the public turned out en masse over one single issue?
jsonline: Advocates argue that the recalls hold politicians accountable. But these elections, arising from the heat generated by a single issue, risk further dividing the electorate and giving rise to a perpetual campaign.
Wrong!!! Collective bargaining, defunding public schools, vilifying and shedding experienced teachers, breaking unions so they can’t contribute to Democratic campaigns, attacking the only defender of worker rights in the private and public sector, lowering wages, usurping local governments, passing a totally partisan agenda in just 5 months without a single Democratic vote, are all reasons why we’re  recalling these extremist politicians. 

Get it now???

Looks like the know-it-all Republicans and conservative editorial boards in a few state newspapers want to tell us when, and for what reason, to hold recall elections. They just know. For all the talk of small government, they sure don’t act like they believe in it.

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel is denouncing the recall elections as an overreaction. Did they ever think WHY over a million Wisconsinites overreacted in the first place? Of course not:
Recalls should be used to punish gross malfeasance or corruption - something that cannot wait for the normal election cycle - not to overturn the results of an election or to dispute policy differences.

Father figure government lackeys know best, don’t they? Extremist policy should be tolerated and allowed to expand until the next election.
Each of these senators will face voters in regular elections next year. Hold them accountable then - after passions have cooled.
Its funny how this same advice wasn’t even suggested when tea party lunatics disrupted town halls over fabricated death panels and a phantom slide into socialism.
Misuse of recalls practically begs a tit-for-tat response when the tables are turned and Democrats return to power. 
Journal Sentinel editors must have forgotten the conservative initiated recalls around the country over one single issue. One conservative professional recall group helped get 3 Democrats on the ballot this summer. Have jsonline editors forgotten the “voter recall of three ... Iowa supreme court justices who voted for marriage equality?” One issue...Republican recall. 

This isn't a new and drastic idea coming from the normally spineless Democratic Party. And it is not an extension of the Iowa recall based on a single issue. This is about everything mentioned above, and more.  


  1. I dunno about all that. The "conservative" aren't Tone Deaf at all, they're just listening to the Dog Whistle political messages and obeying accordingly. Personally, I'm waiting for the Democrat Party to start using Auto-tune on it's talking points. Maybe a little beatbox...

  2. It would be great to have Auto-tune.

    We are sadly never on message.
