Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Wealth Care Sycophants: Sean Duffy, Scott Walker, Ron Johnson, Paul Ryan, Tea Party Movement...

Congressional candidate Sean Duffy cares more about the increased taxes on large companies and wealthy people than he does about the average Wisconsin taxpayer. The same goes for Republicans Scott Walker and Ron Johnson. And who's about to back these Wealth Care candidates; the GOP and tea party "constitutionalists." The founding fathers aren't just rolling over in their graves, their sailing back to England on the first ghost ship out.

Remember when corporate tax cuts and lower taxes on wealth were supposed to spur economic growth, trickle down "voodoo economics" they called it, after the mild 2001 recession? Now after the Great Bush Recession, how'd that work out for you? It didn't.

So why is congressional candidate, Democratic State Sen. Julie Lassa, "defending" herself against a conservative candidate fighting for "Wealth Care" in the name of "freedom and liberty?" Like the Wisconsin State Journal pointed out:

He (Sean Duffy) noted that Lassa supported bills in the Democratic-controlled Legislature that raised taxes on some large companies and the wealthy and a host of fees to make up a budget shortfall last year. "Do I think that's going to resonate well with voters in the 7th district? I don't think it does," Duffy said.

Duffy may have a point. Ashland's multitude of millionaire's, in the far northern part of the state, should be relieved they a candidate looking out for their discretionary money. But for everyone else, Duffy's proposed tax cuts, Wealth Care, will be taken out of schools, library's, police, fire and public services. A fair trade off for Duffy.

But instead of offensively attacking Duffy's Wealth Care agenda, a plan that subtracts money at a time when it is needed to wipe out our current deficit, Lassa is defensive.

But Lassa noted the state budget also included deep cuts to state government and said Democrats acted responsibly(…blah, blah, blah….. )

Come on! Think about it for a minute. Duffy, and his fellow conservative candidates, are running on the totally symbolic meaning of "freedom and liberty," "paint(ing) Lassa as slow out of the gate in the campaign" (a big issue if your racing horses), and the horror of horrors "paint(ing) Lassa as Obey's hand-picked successor." Hey, didn't the GOP just hand pick candidate Ron Johnson to run against Russ Feingold, without knowing anything about his platform? Republican voters claim they still don't know a thing about him.

Lassa should wake up, and point out the problem with Duffy's "woulda, coulda, shoulda," plan: He was willing to allow the banks and Wall Street to crash, taking with it personal, corporate and state investments, wiping out retirement plans, collapsing our public school systems with teacher firings and the end to local public services as we know it. You wanna see large unemployment numbers? Follow the conservative "tough love," self-adjusting free market plan.

I call it insanity, chaos.

Duffy calls it his platform.

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