Tuesday, July 6, 2010

My Conservative Friend thought I needed a Lesson on Socialism...by Glenn Beck!!!

I just received this email from my conservative friend:

Since you have no idea what Socialism is… let me hold your hand and I’ll draw you a picture. No, better yet let me show you.
It's at this point I'm supposed to click on the Glenn Beck video of his list of new big government entities. GLENN BECK!!! Good god.

Big Government is bad for the economy. Our founding fathers wanted limited Government. I’ll sight the Federica Papers as evidence.

I'll sight the Constitution. The founding fathers left government up to the people to decide how large or small.

Tenth Amendment –The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
Pretty simple huh? The powers are left up "to the people." And since the constitution itself framed the kind of government we had structurally, the Bill of Rights were a GENERAL, non-specific, list of rights. Madison worried that listing the 10 rights would leave the impression that all other rights were not granted. Madison was right, because you are doing what he feared you would do.

Boy, don't you wish we could all live in a country the way you, the Republicans and tea party's see it? Living in servitude to God and one Constitutionally "pure" party. A party that will not tolerate opposition. I think the word is totalitarianism.

It's the same vision Gingrich had for the GOP, a permanent majority party in government. One party rule, something I believe you're against right now.

Instead of wondering why you're in the minority party, maybe like minded conservatives should retool and come up with a more workable plan. It beats whining incessantly that no one is listening to you.

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