As the country leans further toward the "grizzly bear" intelligence level of Palin, and the paranoid imaginings Beck and Bachmann, our justice system is nothing more than a sewer clogged with ideologically conservative activist excretions. With one of the most corrupt state supreme courts in our history, it looks like we've stopped trying to get anyone to "flush":
The ethics case against Supreme Court Justice Michael J. Gableman has beenThe three conservative activist justices found the "words" used in the ad were "true," all by themselves, but the overall message…not worthy of prosecution or penalty.
dropped. "Due to lack of conclusive resolution of this matter in the opinions issued by the Wisconsin Supreme Court and lacking legislative authority to do otherwise, the Wisconsin Judicial Commission … is discontinuing prosecution of the above captioned matter." The commission said … it "remains firmly convinced that the advertisement in question in this case was a misrepresentation of fact purposely made" in violation of the code of judicial conduct, and that "prosecution of this matter was appropriate."
Its kind of funny how lathered up the tea party's are over fake issues of socialism and imaginary death panels, but liberals and Democrats can't seem to get it up over the not so gradual shift of the nation to irreversible conservatism.
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