We've been warned by Republicans that the Democrats will bring about rationing through socialized health care.
Imagine my surprise when I read that State Republican representative and possible lieutenant governor candidate Brett Davis wants just that, rationing, DECIDED BY THE GOVERNMENT.
Wisconsin State Journal: State Rep. Brett Davis, R-Oregon, said he was concerned ... that some inmates at a women's prison in Fond du Lac had gotten the H1N1 vaccine while some vulnerable members of the public are still waiting.BUT it's okay to be "inhumane" even if it means rationing the vaccine by government bureaucrats. BUT then again, Republicans have moral superiority in these matters, so it's not really rationing is it.
"No one wants to be inhumane," Davis said, "BUT there are pregnant women who have been law-abiding citizens who are having trouble getting the vaccine."
"I strongly encourage the Department of Corrections to take action and make sure the law abiding citizens of our state are the ones that get this vaccine first," says Brett Davis.Incredible hypocrisy. Rationing?
"Hopefully, there'll be more vaccine made available and we can serve everybody," Davis said. "But if it doesn't happen, we'll have to continue to make tough decisions."Rationing does require making "tough decisions," doesn't it, and Republicans must make those tough "inhumane" decisions for us.
Christopher Ahmuty, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Wisconsin, said "Prisoners are serving their debt to society, but being subjected to disease and death is not part of a just sentence in any civilized society."Setting the record straight: "Corrections spokesman John Dipko said the agency, which has 10,000 employees and 22,000 inmates, has received 900 doses of the vaccine, 45 of which have been given to high-risk prisoners, including pregnant women at Taycheedah Correctional Institution. Dipko said the vaccine was administered, in order, to prison health care workers, pregnant employees and pregnant inmates."