Saturday, October 3, 2009

Treason: DeMint's Republican Party.

A de facto minority Republican government entity, shadowing the current administration, has decided to undermine U.S. foreign policy in support of forcefully ousted democratically elected leaders via military coups. Sen. Jim DeMint and Sen. Mitch McConnell have eerily blamed their support of the Honduran coups on what they perceive as a violation of the Honduran constitution, which I'm sure they know inside and out.

I say eerily because isn't it the same argument echoed in our own country by tenthers and tea party "take our government back" protesters. Coincidence? Was it a not so subtle suggestion to the fringers, the only ones left in the Republican Party today, to do whatever is necessary to stop the current administration?

Think Progress notes: The Logan Act forbids “unauthorized citizens” from negotiating with foreign governments. The video clip features Rachel Maddow clearing laying out the case.

It appears the minority Republicans disagree with our "illegitimate" presidents policy:
Time: U.S. officials called the latest sanctions "a strong signal" that Obama has reversed Washington's historic tendency to abide if not back coups carried out against its foes (the leftist Zelaya is a critic of the U.S.) and that he's defending democratic process in the hemisphere.
But Obama made a huge mistake by not challenging the Republicans, the minority bullies, over their support of the new Honduran government. It's an error that could have set in motion a wave of future Central and South American coups.

According to Time Magazine: " was not technically a military coup. The main reason: even though soldiers threw Zelaya out of the country at gunpoint, in his pajamas, he was not replaced with a military leader. Instead, Micheletti, a civilian who headed Honduras' Congress, was made President ... critics ... fear Obama is keeping the Honduras coup designation downgraded to mollify conservative Republicans. In the future, restless militaries in other countries may look at the U.S.'s Honduras ruling and decide coups are worth chancing as long as they don't install a guy wearing epaulettes in the president's chair. Vicki Gass, a senior associate at the independent Washington Office on Latin America ... fears the U.S. has "created risks in other countries" by not designating Honduras' putsch as military.

When the military hauls away a democratically elected president, it's a military coup, period, regardless of who takes power afterward. It's a rule that needs to apply not just in Honduras, but whenever the U.S. has to take on coupsters.

Boston Globe, on "real American" Jim DeMint:
In June, Sen. Jim DeMint published a book called “Saving Freedom: We Can Stop America’s Slide into Socialism,’’ which attacked President Obama’s federal spending. In July, he told a conference call of fellow conservatives: “If we’re able to stop Obama on [health care], it will be his Waterloo. It will break him.’’

The same month, he compared the United States under Obama to Nazi Germany, telling an audience at the National Press Club: “We’re about where Germany was before World War II where they became a social democracy. You still had votes but the votes were just power grabs like you see in Iran, and other places in South America, like [Hugo] Chávez is running down in Venezuela.’’

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