Telling it like it is...
Washington Post:
President Obama hailed the progress Congress is making toward restructuring the nation's health-care system Saturday but warned that the health-insurance industry is among those determined "to kill reform at any cost." Speaking in his weekly radio and Internet address:
"The insurance industry is rolling out the big guns and breaking open their massive war chest - to marshal their forces for one last fight to save the status quo," Obama said. "They're filling the airwaves with deceptive and dishonest ads.They're flooding Capitol Hill with lobbyists and campaign contributions. And they're funding studies designed to mislead the American people."
"It's smoke and mirrors. It's bogus. And it's all too familiar," Obama said. "Every time we get close to passing reform, the insurance companies produce these phony studies as a prescription and say, 'Take one of these, and call us in a decade.' Well, not this time."
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